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Many of the Cantabrians and Asturians thousands who embarked in the nineteenth century to the Americas, returned last time to their homeland.


They were called Indianos and some of them returned having managed to record good fortune leaving their wealth up magnificent buildings of public and private use.


In their hometowns, these men were palaces retire to live where rents achieved with money snuff plantations or coal mines were built.


Thus leaving us a great legacy in architecture, culture and tradition Cántabra.

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Indiano architecture

The architectural style of the houses of Indianos is somewhat eclectic. However all of them intended to bring comfort and progress of the big cities to rural areas where they were born their owners.


These palaces (many of them painted in bright colors) were the first in the area to have bathroom, heating, running water and electricity. And not often miss the palm tree in the garden, certainly an evocation of the success of the adventures overseas.


The architecture of the Indianos in Cantabria, ie, one that is built with the capital generated in Indian or American lands, is now part of the landscape of the region, and its aesthetic is testimony of a long historical process, five long centuries , where the Cantabrian population found in the transatlantic emigration a world full of possibilities.


For some survival; for other bureaucrats, military and clergy a broad professional field; for merchants expand their business networks; for more than a dream, to ensure better quality of life and that of his family.


Those who failed forgot their land. The heritage left talks about it: nursing homes, hospitals, deposits, churches, bridges, brought water, roads, factories and schools.  It is a contribution of Indianos to their local homeland, along with remittances and returnees capital with them, helped the development and modernization of Cantabria.


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